Author: admin2

As the season shifts into the second half of fall, Chicago employees will soon be tasked with deciding between healthy foods and unhealthy ones. National Pumpkin Day (October 26) is a great time to start making healthy choices. Why National Pumpkin Day? There are two specific...

type of refreshment options are available in your Chicago break room? Pantry Service? A Micro-Market? Vending Machines? In 2019, it’s very important to offer your employees a variety of snack and beverage choices. For a break room to be an appealing potential new employee benefit...

It may almost be the end of summer, but there is still plenty of time to enjoy delicious and hydrating summer beverages. Combine flat or sparkling water with a variety of teas, fruits and sweeteners, and Chicago area residents can enjoy a limitless selection of...

Coffee and blueberries in the same mug aren’t usually thought of as a delicious combination enjoyed during a morning or afternoon break at work. However, in honor of National Blueberry Month, let’s explore how Chicago employees can enjoy the flavor of blueberries with their favorite...

Coffee is important, especially to the 63 percent of American adults and Chicago individuals who drink it daily in 2019. The reason why it is important will vary based on the individual, but there is one overarching theme that has impacted the industry as a...